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About our Research

Our Mission

Our Mission

Our mission is to develop cutting edge research in both Machine Learning and Transport Systems fields. Our belief is that, by its complexity and real-world impact, mobility is an excellent area to develop new ML methodologies, eventually applicable to other fields. This is evident in our projects and publications.

PublicationsResearch Projects

Our Vision

Our vision is that of an adaptive transportation system, where the demand is perfectly aligned with the supply. That requires accurate prediction models, adaptive control, realistic simulation models and robust optimisation methods.

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Our Vision
Our Research

Our Research

Our research covers topics such as:

  • Demand and supply prediction
  • Anomaly detection and prediction
  • Demand management through incentives
  • Behavior analysis and modeling
  • Optimization (e.g. rebalancing, pricing, traffic lights, rescheduling, automatic calibration)
  • Population synthesis
  • Integrated simulation
  • New Machine Learning methods
Research Topics
