Wencan Mao recently visited our group as a Ph.D. student from Aalto University, Finland. She is cooperating with Rico Kruger from our group.
Wencan Mao is particularly interested in the topics of edge computing, the Internet of Things, vehicular networking, smart mobility, optimization, and reinforcement learning.
Her current research is on capacity planning for vehicular fog computing (VFC), taking into account the dynamic demand and supply of computational resources. She followed a data-driven methodology to develop capacity planning frameworks for VFC, including two integer linear programming (ILP) ones and a multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) one. To evaluate the techno-economic performance of capacity planning solutions, an open-source simulator was developed that takes real-world data as inputs and simulates the VFC scenarios in urban environments. The results of her work can contribute to the development of edge and fog computing, the Internet of Vehicles (IoV), and intelligent transportation systems (ITS).
Wencan Mao presented her research included in her doctoral dissertation. The presentation included the background, challenges, research questions, methodology, solutions, publications, and open issues about capacity planning for VFC.
We wish her a fun and productive time during her stay with us! 😊