Four members of our MLSM group attended the 7th International Choice Modelling Conference (ICMC) in Reykjavik, Iceland from 23-25 May 2022. They presented/co-authored six interesting papers. Check out below for the full list of papers including the slides. Further slides will be added in due course.
- Title: Scaling Bayesian inference of mixed multinomial logit models to very large datasets (Slides)
- Author: Filipe Rodrigues
- Title: Stated choice analysis of preferences for COVID-19 vaccines using the Choquet integral
- Authors: Rico Krueger and Ricardo A Daziano
- Title: Robust discrete choice models with t-distribute kernel errors
- Authors: Rico Krueger, Michel Bierlaire, Thomas Gasos and Prateek Bansal
- Title: Gaussian Process Latent Class Choice Models (Slides)
- Authors: Georges Sfeir, Filipe Rodrigues and Maya Abou Zeid
- Title: Interpretable Embeddings for Representing Categorical Variables within Discrete Choice Models (Slides)
- Authors: Ioanna Arkoudi, Carlos Lima Azevedo and Francisco Pereira
- Title: Context-aware Bayesian choice models
- Authors: Miroslawa Lukawska and Filipe Rodrigues